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Beryl Kwok
Mar 15, 20171 min read
Songs from my dearest
I would like to share 2 songs that from my dear Janice Vidal and Grace Wong. They recently released new songs that really touching and...
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Beryl Kwok
Mar 6, 20172 min read
Back-to-Busk Originals Showcase pt.2
Let me recap again. Back-to-Busk preformed a set of original songs on 28 Feb 2017 at The Wanch for the first time (composers: Anson,...
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Beryl Kwok
Mar 3, 20171 min read
Back-to-Busk Originals Showcase pt.1
Back-to-Busk performed a set of original songs on 28 Feb 2017 at The Wanch for the first time (composers: Anson, Beryl and Eric). Here is...
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Beryl Kwok
Aug 11, 20161 min read
We are the cancer of the earth
Everyone knows that human is a threat to the earth. However how many of us really feel that we need to stop? How many of us take action...
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Beryl Kwok
Jun 22, 20161 min read
Elegy for the Arctic
Our arctic is in danger. It always under threats from human. People may think arctic is raw, rough, nothing more but icebergs. Let me...
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Beryl Kwok
May 16, 20161 min read
Today I want to share a new released song from my best friend, Jill Vidal. "被滿足的愛" is a reminder of those who stressed in a...
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Beryl Kwok
May 7, 20161 min read
This is about a song. A song based on the π 3.1415.... in A minor. It's always interesting to know how people inspired by when they...
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